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[ 会议基本信息 ]
会议名称(中文): 第18届国际植物保护学会大会
会议名称(英文): The XVIII International Plant Protection Congress
所属学科: 农林植物保护学
开始日期: 2015-08-24
结束日期: 2015-08-27
所在国家: 德国
所在城市:     德国
具体地点: 柏林
主办单位: 国际植物保护学会
[ 组织结构 ]
姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期: 2015-02-01
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人: Stefan Regge
联系电话: +49 3641 3116-161
E-MAIL: abstract(at)conventus.de
会议网站: http://www.ippc2015.de/
 We are happy to welcome you to the website of the XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) 2015, from 24.08. - 27.08.2015 in the Henry Ford Building, Berlin.

On behalf of the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) and the local organisations responsible for organising this International Plant Protection Congress series, we are pleased to invite you to attend and contribute to this 18th Congress.

The program of activities being developed jointly by the three German organisations (DPG, JKI and IVA) together with IAPPS is aimed to address many of the key issues faced by farmers, governments and plant protection scientists in meeting the challenge of designing and implementing appropriate and sustainable plant protection measures.

We welcome your attendance and contributions to this unique international and multi disciplinary congress on all aspects of plant protection in the exciting city of Berlin.   
 Astract Topics
1. Challenges
a. Plant protection in a changing climate
b. Degraded soils
c. Loss of biodiversity
d. New and emerging pests and diseases
e. Invasive species
f. Soil borne pests and disease
g. Nematodes
h. Vertebrates
i. Weeds
j. Viruses
k. Plant-pathogen interactions

2. Tradition and Innovation
a. Traditional resources
b. Classical breeding
c. Transgene technology
d. Seed technology
e. Post harvest treatments
f. Stored product protection
g. Mycotoxins
h. Detection and diagnosis – established methods and novel tools
i. Plant quarantine aspects

3. Integration and Precision
a. Integrated plant manangement
b. Organic plant production
c. Precision farming
d. Computer-based strategies
e. Modelling/forecasting
f.  Parasitoides (biocontrol)
g. Endophytes (biocontrol)
h. PGPBs (biocontrol)
i. Herbicides (incl. resistance)
j. Insecticides (incl. resistance)
k. Fungicides (incl. resistance)
l. Other pesticides

4. Social Aspects and Co-operations
a. Overcoming hunger
b. Smallholder gardening
c. Access to markets
d. The role of gender in plant protection
e. Resilience of production systems
f. Certification systems
g. Worker- and bystander- protection
h. Governmental plant protection policies and legal framework
i. Science networks
j. Education
k. Extension services
l. Technology transfer projects